

What is 'professional consulting'?

One of my wishes is to keep sharing and spreading the knowledge and understanding I have accumulated so far throughout my career. I have found that the need and desire to learn more about child development, emotional and mental health and the therapeutic application of the arts reach individuals and professionals beyond those who regularly engage with children directly. So in very simple terms, the consulting that I offer is really about me sharing what I know with you, in any way that may support you on your professional journey.

Who is it for?

The therapeutic and development consulting that I offer is for professionals who are looking to deepen or broaden their understanding of mental health and/or child development in order to support their professional growth or a particular project. For example, in the past I have provided this service to family lawyers, film and TV writers and producers, healthcare workers and newly developing art and recreation centres for children. Most recently, I have consulted on BBC’s The Split (series 3) and the wonderful Lots of Lovely Art’s children’s art box on Emotions.

What are examples of areas of consulting?

Below are just a few examples of ways that I can support your professional or creative journey:

  • Building a training, support or educational curriculum for adults or children

  • Mental health awareness for professionals working with children, young people and/or young adults or for managers

  • Developing a script or character for a film/play, informed by theories in human development and the latest findings in neuroscience

  • Helping paediatric healthcare workers improve and expand their skills to offer necessary emotional support to their patients, particularly before, during and after a medical procedure (vaccinations, surgical operations, etc)

  • Facilitating a team building and group strengthening programme for your employees 

  • Developing a reflective approach to your practice or professional role

If you would like to explore ways that I can support your work, please email me at or fill in the form on the 'Contacts' page and I will be happy to answer any queries.