Lia Younes


What is the difference between a workshop and a support group?

Workshops are designed for larger groups of 10+ participants. Support groups are smaller and more intimate in nature, with 2-10 participants. They therefore allow us to 'zoom in' and explore personal challenges and individual experiences a little deeper, as well as  build a compassionate network of support. For example: a 6-session parent group, meeting weekly to explore various themes tailored to their needs.

Who are they for?

Workshops and support groups are generally designed for parents/carers and for professionals involved with working with young people. Receiving support in a group setting offers an opportunity for you to not only hear that others share similar challenges, but also to learn new strategies that they might have found to be successful, in a non-judgmental, supportive setting. 

What will they look like?

Workshops and support groups typically take place in schools or in the workplace, however alternative arrangements can be made. They can last from an hour to a half or full day, depending on your needs and on the material covered. Informal, practical and interactive, the content is based on the latest theories and practices in child development and neuroscience. Participants will leave with a new toolkit of strategies and ideas to implement positive changes and improve their child's or pupils' overall well-being. The aim is also to equip you with new empowering knowledge that will give you the confidence to experiment with new ways of parenting/teaching.

What are examples of topics offered?

I am happy to create a tailor-made workshop or support group based on your unique needs. Examples of areas of interest might be:

  • Active listening skills

  • Attachment in the classroom / Attachment-based parenting: building a healthy relationship with your child/pupils

  • Behaviour is communication: trauma-informed classrooms

  • Keeping your bucket full: the importance of self-care and avoiding burnout

  • Managing stress and anxiety

  • Monthly staff well-being hub

  • Supporting working parents

  • The impact of parental parental conflict/divorce on children

  • Understanding anxiety in children

  • Understanding grief and loss in children

  • Weekly reflective group for teaching staff

To book a workshop or support group, please email me at or fill in the form on the 'Contacts' page and I will be happy to explore this option with you.